1.5pages only or 4 paragraphs for Administrative theory.
I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.
Question 5
The slide Tactics and strategies to gain power found on the course web portal in Module 7 (Power and Organizational Politics) has a basic list of nine bullets that are (appropriately enough) suggested strategies to gain power. Two of the suggested strategies are forming coalitions and developing others. In your own words, explain some ways you have or will accomplish this in your chosen career.
*Students typically write anywhere from 1-2 paragraphs in order to answer this question.
- To whom does the strategy refer? (i.e. Does this pertain to co-workers, employees, outside vendors, other agencies, etc.?) = 10 points
- Appropriate actions taken to accomplish the task = 10 points
Question 6
A key take-away from Module 8 – Communicating Effectively is that miscommunicationis a common cause of many conflicts. The sections dealing with semantics, noise, proxemics, and tactiles reveal some of the sources of miscommunication, while other lessons within the module offer solutions and strategies to mitigate any adverse effects of the same. One sub-section I created for the online portal dissects the many aspects of the phenomenon of road rage to demonstrate how some seemingly simple actions can easily become misinterpreted, leading to conflict.
To answer the following question, you need to refer to the road rage narrative and expound on how people might better avoid such situations. Frame your comments using driving practices, habits, and courtesies. For instance, create scenarios that address speed differential (when one car is going faster or slower than another), changing lanes, turning, entering/exiting a highway, etc. What might drivers do or what behaviors can people change in order to get along on the roadways? Moreover, I would welcome any suggestions as to improvements to technology (e.g. new technology turn signals that provide greater details about a driver’s intentions to other surrounding drivers, etc.)
*Students typically write anywhere from 1-2 paragraphs in order to answer this question.
- Comments demonstrate a thorough understanding of those factors that contribute to miscommunication in a given situation = 5 points
- Narrative incorporates solutions that involve concepts such as civility, empathy, understanding, enhanced communication, and the like = 10 points
- Novel solutions discussed = 5 points
Question 7
How might conflict actually work to the benefit of an organization? Be sure to list some of the positive outcomes of conflict that were listed in your textbook readings, as well as how one or more of the theories mentioned in the chapter serve to help people understand conflict. Lastly, identify some sources of conflict and steps to take in order to alleviate such situations.
*Students typically write anywhere from 1-2 paragraphs in order to answer this question.
- Answer offers two or more positive outcomes, as were mentioned in the readings / module = 5 points
- Answer includes mention of one or more theories pertaining to conflict = 5 points
- One or more sources of conflict are included in the answer = 5 points
- Possible remedies one can use to alleviate conflict are included in answer and are appropriately matched to the source(s) mentioned above = 5 points
Question 8
Though working in teams is not necessarily a popular option for many people, your readings suggested that doing so is ultimately more effective than working individually. Provide a brief summary of the authors’ rationale as to why this is.
- Answer offers support as to how working on a team can be advantageous over working alone on a project = 20 points