1. Download the assignment file: PSY347Assignment3_DataAnalysisAndInterpretation.docxDownload PSY347Assignment3_DataAnalysisAndInterpretation.docx. Also download the data file: PSY347_Assignment3Data.csvDownload PSY347_Assignment3Data.csv . 2. For each of

1. Download the assignment file: PSY347Assignment3_DataAnalysisAndInterpretation.docxDownload PSY347Assignment3_DataAnalysisAndInterpretation.docx. Also download the data file: PSY347_Assignment3Data.csvDownload PSY347_Assignment3Data.csv .

2. For each of the three research questions in the assignment file:

Answer questions 1-5 to figure out which statistical test you need to use.
Watch the demonstration video for the statistical test you need to use (from the videos in 4.2 Statistics Review Part II: How to Run and Interpret Statistical Tests).
Apply the same steps to analyze the data in the PSY347_Assignment3Data.csv file.
Write a summary of your results. Include figures if necessary.
Add your last name at the beginning of the assignment file name (e.g., Loehr_PSY347Assignment3_DataAnalysisAndInterpretation.doc) and submit the document here.
Note that there will be two class Zoom meetings during which you can work on the assignment and the instructor for help if you get stuck. Note that each student should write their own summary of the results and create their own figures. It is only by attempting to write it yourself that you will find out if you truly understand what you’re doing or not!

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