7 questions should be fully answered based on the 3 attached History readings

7 questions should be fully answered based on the 3 attached History readings.

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I need 5 pages of answers, all questions should be answered fully completed.

  • 1.What’s the main point in Laennec’s “On the Diagnosis of Disease of the Chest”? What was Laennec’s pathological view of chest diseases? What do you think the purpose of which Laennec wrote this? Who would be the target reader?
  • 2.How did Laennec associate with his innovation with his predecessors who inspired him? How (what steps did he take) did he improve the diagnostic technique? What medical and non-medical consideration facilitated him for the improvement? What is the significance of his improvement in the field of anatomy? How do you connect Laennec’s medical practices and the invention of stethoscope with his pathological view of chest diseases?
  • 3.What were the three classes of application of the invented stethoscope, according to Laennec? What remained limited for Laennec to examine the chest cavity with his new instrument? Within these applications, what were the examples that Laennec could achieve but his predecessors could not?
  • 4.In the preface of Virchow’s Cellular Pathology, could you tell who was the target audience of this work/lecture series? What was the purpose of this work/lecture? What was Virchow’s view on medical reform/revolution? How would you associate his view on science/ medicine with his political view?
  • 5.What was Virchow’s pathological view of diseases? What was Virchow’s method of conveying his pathological view? How did Virchow prove (what were the evidences) that “cells as the ultimate active elements of the living body”? How did Virchow compare with and contrast to the humoral and solidistic views of pathology?
  • 6.According to Hsu, what was Jean Baptiste Du Halde’s foundational understanding of medicine? Compare Du Halde’s remark on Chinese pulse diagnostics in a basis on a conception of the body as a kind of lute with René Laennec’s mediate auscultation in diagnosing of a living body. What are the similarities? How did Du Halde seem to impose the Galenic understanding of pulsation on the Chinese pulse patterns?
  • 7.According to Hsu, how does Chinese tacit perception/experience of pulse taking achieve a diagnosis in a detached and descriptive way? How does a Chinese physician “calibrate” himself or herself when taking a patient’s pulse? What are the differences between “active touch” in Chinese pulse taking and “passive touch” in psychophysical practice?

7 questions should be fully answered based on the 3 attached History readings

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