A case study project of international accounting

A case study project of international accounting.

I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

This is a huge case study project, I have post the instruction file, there might need to use the Power BI to analysis.


The team has been tasked to perform the following:

  • Overall performance analytics:
    • How is Capo BnB performing globally?
    • What are the revenues by region?
    • How are the various accommodations performing?
    • What are the most and least profitable accommodations?
  • Regional performance analytics:
    • How is Capo BnB performing regionally?
    • What are the revenues by countries with a region?
    • How are the various accommodations performing?
    • What are the most and least profitable accommodations?
  • Regional performance analytics:
    • How is Capo BnB performing by country?
    • What are the revenues by cities with a region?
    • How are the various accommodations performing?
    • What are the most and least profitable accommodations?


You should prepare a business report formatted as follows:

  • Title Page – example follows
  • Executive summary
    • Clear and concise reason for performing the analysis containing a description of the revenues
    • Main points, conclusions and recommendations
  • Introduction- describe the company and the process used by the team to conduct the analysis.
  • Main Body
    • Follow the order of the questions in the assignment.
    • Discussion of the findings
    • Include any visualizations- graphs tables
    • Overall discussion- highlight the main points of your analysis
  • Recommendations
    • Based on your analysis what should Capo BnB do going forward?
    • Are there regions, countries, cities, types of accommodation that should be encouraged or discouraged?
  • The report should be in a word document.


Cleanup the data:

  • Open the data file Air-BNB-Data-Worldwide.xlsx
  • Should be three sheets “North America,” “Europe,” and “Orient”
  • Make sure all column headings are named the same
  • Remove blanks
  • Remove items that have $0 revenue
  • Remove duplicate headers

Bring in only the data elements you need to perform the analysis.

Conduct the analysis- create the visualizations.

Export to a PDF- be careful use one page for each table or graph or else there will be problems arranging them in the Word document.

A case study project of international accounting

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