A restaurant bussiness

A restaurant bussiness.

I’m stuck on a Excel question and need an explanation.

Please help.

For your term project, think about a business you would like to own in the future (or one you currently own, or an existing business.) Throughout the term, you will be required to develop various worksheets and/or workbooks related to your business. Read through the requirements below prior to making your final business selection to ensure you will be able to complete all required items. General Instructions to consider throughout the project: • Apply the skills you are learning to make each sheet as efficient as possible. • Use the most efficient types of cell references; • Use cell references rather than typing in data in formulas and functions whenever possible • Link sheets to bring data from one sheet to another, etc. • Be sure each sheet is formatted professionally, emphasizing the appropriate data. • A consistent theme should be used throughout. Think about which theme you want to use and apply it to all the sheets you create. • Numbers must be formatted to accurately represent the data in the column, i.e., currency, percentage, quantity, etc. • Each sheet should have appropriate titles, subtitles, column headings, and row headings. • Each workbook and worksheet should be named appropriately. • All charts should be the correct chart type, formatted, labeled and titled appropriately. • Every sheet in all workbooks should be set up ready to print, including the appropriate page orientation, scaling adjustments (all columns on one sheet, etc.) titles (and row and column headings if appropriate) set to print on multiple pages where appropriate, and footer with your name and the file name. Project Checkpoints: Week 4 Choose and/or describe the business of your choice Week 5 Part 1 Week 7 Part 2 Week 10 Part 3 Part 1 – Due Week 5 Create a multi-sheet workbook which will include a Sales Tracking sheet, an Inventory sheet, a Customer Invoice sheet, a Sales Report sheet, and a Vehicle Purchase sheet according to the following specifications. A. Sales Tracking Worksheet (5 Points) Objectives: • Create, edit, and format a new workbook FIT1040: Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions Term Project • Enter and edit labels and values • Use the SUM function • Review and prepare for printing Set up a sales tracking worksheet for your business. Ensure there are at least 7-10 products or services included. (This will depend on the type of business you will own or have selected.) Include identifiable characteristics such as item numbers, dollar sales, totals, % of sales, etc. You should set this sheet up in 2 sections. In the first section, you will need to track monthly sales for two quarters (total of 6 months). In the second section, ensure all appropriate calculations are included so anyone viewing the worksheet can easily find monthly, quarterly, and 6 month totals for each product/service as well as totals of all products/services for each month, quarter, and grand total. Also include a column to show the percentage of each item to the total of all sales for the 6-month period. Keep the 6 months together, do not break them up with the quarterly totals. This is necessary for part 2 of the assignment. B. Inventory, Invoice Form, Sales Report, Vehicle Purchase Objectives: • Build and edit basic formulas, including order of operations • Use absolute, mixed, relative, and 3D cell references with the greatest of efficiency • Work with Statistical and Date/Time functions • Construct Financial, Logical, and Lookup & Reference, and Math & Trig functions • Inventory (4 Points) • Include the Product ID or Item #, Product Name, or Description, Quantity, and the Price for your 7-10 products from part A. • Below your inventory list, include a reference to sales tax of 7%. This will be used in a calculation on your Invoice sheet. • Note: This sheet will be used in a VLookup function, therefore, be sure the order of the list is properly set. • Customer Invoice (11 Points) • Research what should be included on an invoice and set up accordingly. • Keep in mind that you will be calculating sales tax for EACH ITEM properly and efficiently referencing the cell with the 7% rate on the Inventory sheet. • Include any 4 items (Product ID or Item #) on the invoice. Use a VLookup to fill in the Description and Price. For the Quantity, use any numbers you would like. • Build formulas where necessary to determine the total cost for each item, the tax amount, and the total including tax. • The invoice should also show the total cost of all items before tax, total tax, and grand total of all. FIT1040: Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions Term Project • Use a date function for the Invoice Date • Sales Report (9 Points) Consider what the sales manager would want to see on this report while developing the layout. • Create a sheet that would list all items sold in one day by 3 different sales streams (sales rep, store location, region, distribution channel, etc. – pick one type). • Add 15 -20 items to this report spreading them amongst the 3 different sales streams. There SHOULD BE duplicates of some items, but with differing quantities. • At the top of the report, add the following statistics from the report using the appropriate functions: ▪ The average sale amount ▪ The total sales amount sold through each sales stream ▪ Select one specific sales stream and, using the correct function, count how many individual sales were made by that sales stream. [Example, how many invoices (sales) were generated from that sales stream] • Capital Purchase Scenario (8 Points) • You need to purchase a new vehicle for your business. Select and document (make, model, year, price) the vehicle you would like to purchase. • Document your target monthly payment (What dollar amount would fit into your budget? For example, the monthly payment shouldn’t exceed $500.) • Determine the monthly loan payment for three potential scenarios. The loan amount should remain constant, but the term and/or interest rate should change in each scenario. • With your target monthly payment as your comparison to EACH of the three scenarios, use the correct Logical function to determine whether or not the scenario will achieve your goal. (Note: If the monthly payment is less than or equal to your goal, indicate that is does, otherwise, indicate that the payment is too high) Part 2 – Due Week 7 Reminder: All charts should be the correct chart type, formatted, labeled and titled appropriately. A. Sparklines (2 Points) On the Sales Tracking worksheet, add column sparklines to show the trend for monthly sales of each item. B. Chart 1 (5 Points) Create a chart on the Sales Tracking worksheet which will compare sales for each item/product for each month of the first quarter only. C. Chart 2 (6 Points) Using data from the Sales Tracking worksheet create a chart on a separate chart sheet which will show the percentage of each item as compared to the whole (grand total). D. Chart 3 – Combination chart with Line on Secondary Axis (5 Points) FIT1040: Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions Term Project E. On the Sales Tracking worksheet create a combination chart showing sales for any one month with the secondary axis illustrating the trend of the 6-month total. *Excel for Mac Tip: Combination Charts for Mac Part 3 – Due Week 10 A. Excel Tables, Data Validation, Filtering, Sorting, Subtotals, Pivot Tables Objectives: a. Build and format an Excel table b. Data Validation c. Apply Conditional Formatting d. Apply filtering and sorting to table e. Copy sheet and apply Subtotal f. Create a Pivot Table 1. Department & Full Tim/Part Time List (4 points) On one sheet: • In one column, create a simple listing of 3 departments relative to your industry • In a separate column, create a list for: ▪ Full-time ▪ Part-time 2. Employee Listing (6 points) On a separate new sheet, create a listing of 20 employees including: • Employee ID • Last Name • First Name • Department Name ▪ Use Data Validation to create a listing of departments from which to select (use the listing from the sheet created in step 1) • Job Title • Full-time or Part Time ▪ Use Data Validation to create a listing from which to select (use the listing from the sheet created in step 1) • Annual Salary • NOTE: You will eventually be creating an Organization Chart for these employees. 3. Employee Listing – Filter/Sort (9 points) Create a copy of the employee listing sheet (created in step 2). On the new sheet: • Sort the table alphabetically by department, then by salary highest to lowest FIT1040: Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions Term Project • Apply Data Bar Conditional Formatting to the salary • Filter the table by the department of your choice 4. Employee Listing – Subtotals (6 points) Create another copy of the employee listing sheet from step 2. On the new sheet: • Copy the sheet and prepare it to apply Subtotals. Subtotal for the average salary by department. • Collapse to show only level 2 5. Employee Listing – Pivot Table (7 points) Using the EMPLOYEE LISTING sheet created in STEP 2, create a Pivot Table showing: • the sum of the annual salaries for full-time versus part-time employees by job title • The report should be set to filter by Department B. Multi-Sheet Workbook, Data Consolidation, Grouping Worksheets, Organizational Chart Objectives: Create weekly timesheets for five employees. After four weeks, consolidate data to create a worksheet that displays average number of hours worked on a given day by each employee. a. Create a static data consolidation b. Group worksheets for editing & formatting c. Insert illustrations using SmartArt, screenshots, and pictures (Organization Chart) 1. Multi-Sheet Workbook, Data Consolidation, Grouping Worksheets – (8 points) • Insert worksheets so you have five additional worksheets. Name the sheets Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, and Averages. • Group all sheets and type the names of five of the employees from your listing of 20, previously created in Part 3A, step 2. Use a 5 or 7-day work week. • Ensure all sheets have the same formatting. • Each sheet should show the totals for each employee for each day, the total of all employees for each day, and the total of all hours worked by all employees. • Addressing each sheet separately, for each employee for each week, enter the number of hours worked. You may enter 0s for employees who didn’t work on a particular day. Include decimal places for employees who worked a fraction of an hour, such as 6.5 or 7.25. • On the Averages sheet, consolidate data without links. Edit labels as needed and delete any total rows and/or colum

A restaurant bussiness

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