Accounting 431 Audit Plan Project – eBay: Business understanding and risk assessment

Accounting 431 Audit Plan Project – eBay: Business understanding and risk assessment.

I need an explanation for this Accounting question to help me study.

Company: eBay.

Write about the following:

-Documentation of your understanding of the business:

o Company history (Include additional information)

o Industry Overview (Include additional information)

o Regulation it is subjected to

o Corporate Governance

o Acquisitions (instead of acquisition, maybe the separation of PayPal),

o Litigation

-Documentation of your risk assessments related to the company.

o Significant Risks

o Business Risks

o Incentive Risks

o Risks Related to Fraud and Illegal Acts

o Risk Related to Party Transactions

o Accounting specific risks related to line items on the company’s financial statements

-Audit programs documenting risk assessments (inherent and control) for the accounting area this pertains to (i.e. revenues, accounts payable, intangible assets, etc), possible control test work and substantive procedures to be performed, etc.

o At the very least, I would think you’d have audit programs for accounts you deem associated with any significant risks and for accounts comprising major parts of company business

o REQUIRED: Illustrate the role of data analytics in performing these audit procedures

Some guidelines related to the project:

– This project is to be done based on your current external knowledge of your company. Please do not make reference to discussions with client personnel, detailed documentation of company processes, or other “made-up” information.

– Quantity does not necessarily equal quality. The amount of content will not solely dictate your grade. It is very important that all things included are relevant to your company and not merely pumping up the size of your project.

– As with anything in academics, when in doubt, be as specific as possible. What I mean by that is I expect you to address major areas related to your company beyond material strictly from the textbook. I want you to think about and address things that actually are the significant areas of your client company, potentially above and beyond the standard things that affect all companies (i.e. cash, revenue recognition).

– Please reference sources appropriately as needed.

– It would not be extraneous for your business understanding and risk assessment portions of your project to each be 10-15+ pages. There are lots of resources out there.

– This should read like passages or a report.

Accounting 431 Audit Plan Project – eBay: Business understanding and risk assessment

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