Analyze career changes caused by the development of AI

Analyze career changes caused by the development of AI.

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(II) Questions

A paper published in 2014 caused a stir when it speculated on the demise of many occupations accompanying technological developments such as AI within the next 10 to 20 years. At the same time, however, the birth of many new occupations is also being anticipated. Furthermore, the ways in which people work are already undergoing significant transformations in the present due to technological, environmental, and social developments, among other factors.

Please conceptualize an occupation to newly appear in society ten years from now and answer the following three questions about it. Answer all three questions within four pages.

1. Please describe in as much detail as possible, giving the title of the occupation, and details of the duties involved in this work that will be required in society ten years from now.

2. Please make some predictions about what society will be like ten years from now and justify why this occupation will be required. For this, select two themes from either a. Technology; b. Environment; c. Social conditions; d. Policy; or e. Other, and discuss together with supporting data the respective changes that are predicted over the next ten years for each. Please clarify the data sources.

3. Please create a recruitment advertisement for the occupation discussed in (1).

*Important notes regarding examination papers for Method B.

– Use either A4 or letter-size paper and print single-sided.

– In principle, the sheets for questions 1 and 2 should be printed out using portrait and written horizontally from left to right. There is no fixed format for question 3.

– The smallest font that may be used is 11 point.

– A cover sheet is not required. In the top right-hand corner of the front page (pg. 1) write out your full name and examinee number.

– At the bottom of each page write the page numbers (current page and total number of pages, e.g. 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4).

– Please note that Examination Papers exceeding the designated number of pages will be deemed invalid and will not be assessed.

– Students applying for the April admission should write in Japanese, while students applying for the September admission should write in English.

Analyze career changes caused by the development of AI

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