Annotated Bibliography about Bullying need ASAP done but needs edited

Annotated Bibliography about Bullying need ASAP done but needs edited.

I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

I need an annotated bibliography with 5 specific types of sources. I need 1 book source, 2 articles using the library’s academic Search Premier database, 1 reference source OR 1 media source, and I also need 1 credible website. I need descriptive annotations for each source. The topic I chose is bullying. I will attach further instructions as well.

Attached is the bibliography but I need it revised to meet ALL requirements and address all information highlighted in the attached instructions. 2 sources need to be changed to be from the academic search premier and make sure the writing follows all required points.

Annotated Bibliography about Bullying need ASAP done but needs edited

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