answer 4 finance question

answer 4 finance question.

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

Responses should be a minimum of 300-500 words (excluding a restatement of the questions and quoted text) with correct spelling and proper grammar. All submissions are filtered through Turnitin!

  1. What is the difference between a managed fund, an index fund, and an exchange traded fund?
  2. Which type of fund do you think could help you obtain your investment goals? Why?
  1. Pick one of the investment alternatives in this article–real estate, peer-to-peer lending, or precious metals. What are the advantages of the investment you chose? What are the disadvantages of the same investment?
  2. Assuming you had $75,000 to invest. Would you use one of the three investment alternatives described in this article or would you prefer a more traditional investment in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds? Explain your answer.

answer 4 finance question

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