Answer questions below

Answer questions below.

Can you help me understand this Powerpoint question?

1. In a narrative format, discuss the following: Some researchers argue that racial stereotypes affect the ways in which decision makers, including criminal justice officials, evaluate the behavior of racial minorities. What are the stereotypes associated with African Americans/ Hispanics? Native Americans? Asian Americans? How much do these stereotypes affect judges/ sentencing decisions?

( 500 word minimum, cite references, no plagiarism)

2. Assume that racial minorities are more likely than White-Americans to be detained prior to trial. Why is this a matter for concern?

( 500 word minimum, cite references, no plagiarism)

3. Would it be possible for the police to carry out their major functions without treating members of subordinate groups unequally? Explain why this would or would not be possible.
( 500 word minimum, cite references, no plagiarism)

Answer questions below

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