Answer these four history questions ?

Answer these four history questions ?.

I’m trying to study for my History course and I need some help to understand this question.


  • Compare the voyages of non-European people before 1500 to those of the Portuguese and Spanish from 1400 to 1550.
  • Why were the Spanish able to establish a territorial empire in the New World?
  • Was technological superiority a major factor in the conquest of the Americas?


  • What were the long-term political effects of the Protestant Reformation?
  • Discuss the significance of the Catholic-Reformation and the politics of religion.
  • In what ways did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment challenge the intellectual and political status quo in early modern Europe?


  • What were the demographic effects of the Columbian exchange?
  • Compare and explain the reasons for differences or similarities between the European colonies of North and South America.
  • State and justify your position on the role of the Catholic Church in regard to relations with the Amerindian people in either the Spanish or the French American colonies.


  • Describe capitalism and mercantilism and explain their roles in the development of the Atlantic system.
  • What factors led to the development of the African slave trade?
  • What effects did slavery have on economic and social life in Africa?

– Ensure that you answer all parts of the question. Each answer should be at a minimum two- three page and doubled spaced. The average papers for all four-question range between 10-12 pages. You do not have to cite your sources.

Answer these four history questions ?

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