Apply Machiavelli’s teachings from his book, “The Prince”, to the Kraft Heinz Company and evaluate the outcome of either following or rejecting those principles.

Apply Machiavelli’s teachings from his book, “The Prince”, to the Kraft Heinz Company and evaluate the outcome of either following or rejecting those principles..

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Word Count: 2,000-2,250 (required)

In brief: In this essay, you will apply Machiavellian teachings to your company and evaluate the outcome of either following or rejecting those principles. Anticipate the possibility of doing additional research to support your points, and be willing to work with the idea that no company either fully follows or fully rejects Machiavelli’s concepts.

Your goal in paper four is to consider the company you have worked with for papers two and three as you read and evaluate Machiavelli. While you have conducted a great deal of research so far, anticipate the possibility of more as you work with The Prince. In this paper, you will discuss Machiavelli in the context of your company through the use, analysis, and application of 3-5 quotes from The Prince. Consider the following as part of preparing for your paper:

In what ways does your company adhere to or reject Machiavelli’s teachings? How does this adherence to or rejection of Machiavellian ideas help or hurt your company?

Be specific in your argument and analysis, unpacking Machiavelli thoroughly and using strong research to demonstrate how The Prince manifests in your company. Rely heavily on Machiavelli, quoting where appropriate and comprehensively explaining/interpreting the quotes. In this paper, remember that you cannot assume that your company or its leadership have read The Prince or are consciously applying it. You can only rely on observations: the company reflects these teachings through a given action or attribute.

Visuals will likely be helpful and are strongly encouraged in the construction of this paper. Citations and formatting are MLA-standard throughout.

Also avoid the temptation to equate the prince with the company’s CEO or other top leadership. In the context of this paper, the prince, as Machiavelli uses the term, is the company. The CEO or other leadership can demonstrate an adherence to (or rejection of) Machiavellian ideas and can be representatives of the company, but they are not specifically the prince.

Visuals will likely be helpful and are strongly encouraged in the construction of this paper. Citations and formatting are MLA-standard throughout.

Apply Machiavelli’s teachings from his book, “The Prince”, to the Kraft Heinz Company and evaluate the outcome of either following or rejecting those principles.

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