Assignment and Discussion

Assignment and Discussion.

I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Assignment 1:

You are kindly requested to solve the Exercises found at the end of Chapter1 of the textbook-page 23.

1. What are the three characteristics of Big Data, and what are the main considerations in processing Big Data?

2. What is an analytic sandbox, and why is it important?

3. Explain the differences between BI and Data Science.

4. Describe the challenges of the current analytical architecture for data scientists.

5. What are the key skill sets and behavioral characteristics of a data scientist?

Note: Please refer below textbook

  • EMC Education Service (Eds). (2015) Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data, Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Your each answer must be 200 words and follow the APA format. Add references also.

Discussion 1:

Kirk (2016) discusses data acquisition, whether you acquire it or it is acquired by you. How can you determine the value of the data? Do you need to consider the difficulty in analyzing the data when you consider the data you are collecting? For example, if you wanted to collect data by rigid parameters, so analysis is easier, is that a better approach? Does that compromise the integrity of your data? Do you need to collect all of it and then analyze it? What are your constraints when collecting data? Can your computer handle 100,000 rows of tabular data?

These are all questions to think about. What are some approaches, sources, and collection standards you would use? Provide an example scenario and provide specific techniques you could employ.

Note: Your answer must be 1000 words and add minimum 3 references.

Assignment and Discussion

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