Assignment: Journal Entry #11 a. (WR) Your written response to the film b. think about Anne Bogart’s observations about the power of “errors” and “limits” in relation to Harvey Pekar: describe what you think are his “errors” and “limits;” how do you see t

Assignment: Journal Entry #11 a. (WR) Your written response to the film b. think about Anne Bogart’s observations about the power of “errors” and “limits” in relation to Harvey Pekar: describe what you think are his “errors” and “limits;” how do you see t.

I’m working on a Art & Design question and need guidance to help me study.

Assignment: Journal Entry #11

  1. (WR) Your written response to the film
  2. think about Anne Bogart’s observations about the power of “errors” and “limits” in relation to Harvey Pekar: describe what you think are his “errors” and “limits;” how do you see them operating in his art making? Describe any shifts you observe in Harvey’s perceived “limits” and the impact these shifts may have on his process.

Describe “limits” and or “errors” regarding your own artistic endeavors: what do you perceive to be obstacles in your path? Describe a time when an obstacle turned into a solution.

Assignment: Journal Entry #11 a. (WR) Your written response to the film b. think about Anne Bogart’s observations about the power of “errors” and “limits” in relation to Harvey Pekar: describe what you think are his “errors” and “limits;” how do you see t

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