Author Report – Edgar Allen Poe.
I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Instructions: Write a two page “writer’s biography,” about Edgar Allen Poe, meaning that I want you to write an author report that focuses primarily on the major steps or factors in the author’s life that led them to pursue writing, the successes and failures they experienced as a writer, and their personal thoughts or theories about writing. You should provide credible, researched information to support your statements about the authors. For example, many of these authors have legitimate societies dedicated to preserving their work and informing people about the author’s lives; those would be excellent resources for this assignment. Additionally, many of the authors we’re reading have written essays about their writing theories or experiences, and some of those essays are included in the textbook. Just make sure that you are quoting and citing (using proper MLA format) any sources you use and that you include a MLA Works Cited page.
The report will be graded on the following elements:
- The quality of the information you find
- Your ability to explain the significance of the information
- The structure and style of your writing
- Your adherence to English grammar and usage conventions
- Proper MLA in-text and Works Cited procedure