BIO 111 Oragnic Gradenning Discussion

BIO 111 Oragnic Gradenning Discussion.


1- Let’s say that Toronto University starts a food sustainability and diversity project next spring (in 2021). One of the proposed gardening activities is to transform a sunny section of the quad to grow Montreal melons. The melons would be served to the community in September 2021, to kick off the new academic year… with “fully normal” in-class courses (because an effective vaccine has been discovered and is widely available).

The quad area was selected because it is quite large and central, water is accessible, site is very sunny and warm, and nearby buildings block winds. Melons don’t grow well under cold and windy conditions. They grow well in light, deep soils, enriched in humus. In terms of nutrients, melons are nutrient needy. Their ideal soil pH is between 6 and 7.

Early in spring 2021, some tests are performed to assess soil characteristics in the quad. The pH is 6.25. Soil is clayey, rather compact and not very permeable. Major nutrients are deficient.

Given this context and test information, which general category of treatment is most recommended? Explain briefly (justify your answer)

2-Using your class notes or chapter soil health, identify specific treatment(s) for melon culture in quad soil. Explain why you recommend this/these treatments. Explain two goals of the proposed treatment(s).

3-Given the site characteristics, identify a plant pathogen that could be problematic over the long growing season. Explain briefly why you think it would be problematic. Propose also a preventive measure to avoid or minimize this potential problem.

4-Let’s say a university would like to adopt a plant as floral emblem. The University consults the community to identify a plant that represents it well. What would you suggest? Explain briefly your choice by giving up to 2 arguments.

BIO 111 Oragnic Gradenning Discussion

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