Biologic Basis of Neurologic or Psychiatric Disorder

Biologic Basis of Neurologic or Psychiatric Disorder.

Help me study for my Psychology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Understanding the biological basis for a neurological condition provides the foundation upon which you can develop powerful questions and design experiments that support effective treatments. Given the prevalence of neurologic or psychiatric conditions in the population, development of strong treatments can lead to profound positive social change.

To prepare:

  • Review and implement the feedback your Instructor provided for Part 1 of your paper.
  • Conduct additional research on your topic in order to develop an appropriate research question and experiment related to your chosen condition.

By Day 7

Your paper should be 10–15 pages, including the portions submitted in Week 5.

  • Extend the sections of Part 1 as necessary based on the feedback from your Instructor.
  • For Part 2, develop a research question and propose an experiment related to the condition.
    • If your research question is quantitative, this should include a hypothesis about what answer you expect to your question and some basics of the experimental design, such as your methods and your experimental and control groups.
    • If your question is qualitative, identify a phenomenon of study, the population or context you intend to study, and your research question, which is typically open-ended and would begin “What…” or “How…”.

Please see the Final Paper Guidelines: Biologic Basis of Neurologic or Psychiatric Disorder in your Learning Resources for complete description. Zero plagiarizing, Quote work,

Biologic Basis of Neurologic or Psychiatric Disorder

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