business discussions

business discussions.

I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

(((for each one you should write 8 full lines minimum))))

M02 Discussion #1

What are the three main tasks involved in revising a business message? Can you think of a business message that did not incorporate these tasks in their message?

M02 Discussion #2

The latest issue of a local business newspaper names 10 area executives who have exhibited excellent leadership skills in the past year. You are currently searching for a job, and a friend suggests that you write each executive a congratulatory letter and mention in passing that you are looking for new career opportunities and would appreciate the opportunity for an interview. Is this a smart strategy? Why or why not?

M02 Discussion #3

Why is whistleblowing a controversial activity? Do a quick google search and see if you can bring an examples to the class discussion.

M02 Discussion #4

When a company suffers a setback, should you soften the impact by letting out the bad news a little at a time? Why or why not? Try and use different examples.

Discussion Directions:

When you reply, ALWAYS type the name of the classmate you are responding to, and your name at the bottom of the message. Make sure to use professional grammar and punctuation in this college level course in all correspondence. Please avoid “text” or “twitter speak” when corresponding.

business discussions

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