University of Texas Arlington Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Capstone

University of Texas Arlington Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Capstone.


I need the project problem solved with the finite element analysis method as shown in the instructions pdf. Please make sure to hit on all the points mentioned in the attached pdf.


1. Submit a “standard” report that includes a cover page (including Course No., Course Name, Project No., name and ID of the student and instructor, date of submission), table of contents, introduction and model description, objectives, methodology including software used, details for both problems (stiffness matrix, force matrix, assembling global stiffness matrix, calculating stress and variation of stress within each element), results (displacement vs. length and stress vs. length) and discussion, and references if any.

2. Figures and tables should have captions and should be referred to in the context.

3. Present your results as graphs rather than printing out data as tables.

4. The graphs must include axis labels with the corresponding units, legends describing the number of elements used.

5. In-class students must provide a hardcopy of the report; while online students should submit their report as a single pdf file in the designated space.

6. Both In-class and online students must email the instructor and the TA a single RAR or ZIP file with the following format for naming the file

Last name_First name_STUDENT ID_Project1.ZIP or

Last name_First name_STUDENT ID_Project1.RAR

This compressed file must include the report and the associated code (separate file and not in the text) and graphs.

7. The acceptance criteria should be clearly identified for selecting the sufficient number of elements.

8. The exact (Analytical) solution of problem is not required but is considered as bonus.

Problem: A bar with variable cross-section is subjected to a uniformly distributed axial load of p =2000 kg/m. The cross-sections at the support, mid-length and free end are 60 x 60 cm^2, 30 x 30 cm^2 and 20 x 20 cm^2, respectively. Assume that the cross-section varies quadratically in between these points on all 4 sides (Hint: Obtain a quadratic formula that passes through the given areas). Assume E=2 x 10^6 kg/cm^2 and L= 5 m.

(a) Determine the displacement along the member using truss elements with 2 nodes (linear interpolation functions). What are the minimum number of elements for convergence? Show the variation of displacement and stress along the member for at least 5 cases.

(b) Determine the displacement along the member using truss elements with 3 nodes (quadratic interpolation functions). What are the minimum number of elements for convergence? Show the variation of displacement and stress along the member for at least 5 cases.

(Hint: For convergence, let the stress distribution be your acceptance criteria).

Please see PDF for sketch.

University of Texas Arlington Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Capstone

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CHS Technological Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Discussion

CHS Technological Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Discussion.


Directions: Answer the questions below based on your reading of the “Values, Ethics and Innovation: Rethinking Technological Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” issued by the World Economic Forum. Most answers are readily available in the article; however, you should also provide personal, thoughtful analysis of the topics discussed. This may mean that you need to look up unfamiliar terms used in the article and/or refer to external sources for examples and clarification of the points you choose to include in your answers. All external sources, examples etc. must be cited explicitly using MLA format.

1. How do “society and technology develop in tandem, with technologies shaping and embodying societal values,”?

2. Why can we no longer assume that technological and economic progress are automatically aligned with social progress?

3. What are the two most widely held beliefs about technology and how do they both reflect an inadequate understanding of technology’s role in society?

4. What is Collingridge’s dilemma?

5. How has the US responded to this dilemma vs. European countries like the UK?

6. The article uses the example of the automobile as a technology that fundamentally changed

society. It lists many changes, both positive and negative, that the automobile brought to

society but also makes sure to state that “None of these impacts were inevitable”. Why?

7. According to the article, what is the “central question” surrounding technology that a human-

centered approach must always take into consideration?

8. The question of what a meaningful future for mankind might look like could be different for a

variety of people so why can’t we simply let the free market decide what the “majority” of

people want?

9. The article claims that, “Despite the tendency to think of technologies as objects or tools, they

inevitably embody the values of their creators,”. Who do we generally think of as the creators of technology? Is there a bias inherent in this type of thinking and/or the reality of who creates technology for whom? How does the article propose to fix this bias?

10. How can inclusion practices help mitigate the potential consequences of “surface assumptions” in creating new technology and/or its uses in society?

11. How is it profitable as well as ethical to adhere to what the article calls “transformative innovation”?

12. What do they mean when they say that the challenge to create a transformative and ethical relationship between technology and society is a “systemic challenge”?

13. How can innovation and the creation of new technologies be compared to having a child?

CHS Technological Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Discussion

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Combining Lean and Six Sigma to Achieve Breakthrough Performance Paper

Combining Lean and Six Sigma to Achieve Breakthrough Performance Paper.


As global competition continues to grow, the pressure to improve becomes more and more intense. Executives and managers face many challenges: increase sales, reduce cost, reduce inventory, accurately forecast future demand, find the next market breakthrough, and most of all Survive! Although there are many ways to improve, many organizations have invested in at least one of the two most widespread methods of improvement: LEAN or Six Sigma.

Since the objective for both methodologies is to improve the organization’s performance, present your perspective on whether organizations should take an “either or” mentality between LEAN and Six Sigma or they should adopt a fully integrated approach.

write 1 page only, approximately 250 words minimum. samples are provided

Combining Lean and Six Sigma to Achieve Breakthrough Performance Paper

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WPI What Is Systems Engineering? Presentation Help

WPI What Is Systems Engineering? Presentation Help.


For this assignment, each team must develop a presentation (to include a video and PowerPoint file) designed for middle school students (6th through 8th grade, 11 to 13 years old). The main objective of the presentation is to explain systems engineering in a manner that is both understandable and engaging. Explain the main concepts, practices, skills, tasks, importance, etc. associated with systems engineering. Examples would likely be helpful. The video must be between 25-30 minutes in length, so be sure to only include the most relevant information.

Make sure to add a title page with the team members, assignment title, date, and include your list of references on the final slide. Each team member must present a portion of the presentation. In the Notes section of each slide, please list who presented the slide. The team lead for this assignment should post the final PowerPoint file and video to the Assignment area by the due date.

NOTE: You may use any method to record your presentation video. One method that you may want to consider is creating an .mp4 file using PowerPoint. Each team member can record his/her slide(s) in the PowerPoint file. The file can then be exported as a video. This may be a good methodology for team members who must work together virtually (a good skill to have in your careers).

WPI What Is Systems Engineering? Presentation Help

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Sources of Methyl Mercury Contamination in Oceans and Consumption Risks Paper

Sources of Methyl Mercury Contamination in Oceans and Consumption Risks Paper.


Problem 4 – Methyl mercury Contaminated Fish
Methylmercury (MM) is a common name for the organometallic cation [CH3Hg]+
which is an
environmental toxicant found in ocean waters as a result of anthropogenic releases. The EPA reference
dose (RfD) for MM is 0.1 g/kgd. The average consumption of fish for a person with an average weight
of 70 kg is 7.5 g/d and the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of MM in tuna fish is 106 l/kg.

1) Write a paragraph (no less than 100 words) explaining the possible sources of MM contamination
in the oceans? [Provide reference(s)].

2) Determine the MM concentration in fish (in g MM / kg of fish) that poses an unacceptable
health risk to humans.

3) Assuming that the concentration of MM in tuna fish is equal to that determined above calculate
the maximum safe concentration of MM (in g/l) in ocean water.

4) Compare the aquatic concentration value for MM calculated in the previous step with actual
values measured in the Pacific Ocean and comment.

Show all work.

Sources of Methyl Mercury Contamination in Oceans and Consumption Risks Paper

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Relational Database Management – MATLAB Assignment 3

Relational Database Management – MATLAB Assignment 3.


I need this ASAP in 3 hours with full comments please and solving

This is the template script:

% Name: Yara

% BENG 101 Spring 2019
% Recitation #302
% Matlab Assigment #3
% Date
% This is a script file for Matlab Assignment 3.  The goals of this
% assignment is to learn how to perform element-by-element and matrix operations
% practice relational and logical operators and seelection and iteration
% statements

%clear variables and command window
clear all;

% Problem 1:

% Rename the file using the format FirstName_LastName_Rec#_Matlab3a.m
% Problem 2:
% Problem 3:
% Problem 4:
%Put your answers to the questions asked in problem 4 here as comments
% Problem 5;
% Problem 6:
% Problem 7:
% Problem 8:

Relational Database Management – MATLAB Assignment 3

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Qatar University ?Transport and Engineering Economics Essay

Qatar University ?Transport and Engineering Economics Essay.


Assignment Brief:


• The assignment is an essay covering macroeconomics and its relevance and application to the transport sector in Sultanate of Oman

• Macroeconomic policy is concerned with the operation of the whole economy. Macroeconomic policy aims to provide a stable economic environment that is conducive to fostering strong and sustainable economic growth. The key macroeconomic policy instruments include fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy.

• The Ministry of Transport and Communications in Sultanate of Oman sets and applies Transport policy. There are many public sector companies and organisations that implement policies.

The Task

1. Critically analyse the key macroeconomic policy instruments that the Sultanate of Oman can use to achieve its macroeconomic objectives.

2. Identify and discuss how transport policy in Oman assists in achieving the macroeconomic objectives in the Sultanate of Oman. For an Oman transport company of your choice, show how these policies and objectives have been implemented in recent years.

Very Important Note:

Please note this is an essay – not a report. Therefore, you do NOT need to provide an Executive Summary, Contents page and other constituent parts of a report. Instead, have a brief introductory paragraph and then have separate headings for Question 1 & Question 2, and a final brief conclusion. All Tables should be placed in an Appendix and are not counted in the word count.

*** Words count = 1400 words.

*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

Qatar University ?Transport and Engineering Economics Essay

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EECS 1510 Northern Kentucky University Object Oriented Programming Project

EECS 1510 Northern Kentucky University Object Oriented Programming Project.


In this assignment, you will add functionality to the Graph abstract class and UndirectedGraph subclass from Homework Assignment 9. I have provided you with the following files:

  • NodeEdge.jar: Java archive containing compiled Node and Edge classes. (Same as in Homework Assignment 9)
  • implementation of an abstract class representing general graphs. Since it is an abstract class, it cannot be used to create objects. (Same as in Homework Assignment 9)
  • implementation of a class representing undirected graphs. (Solution to Homework Assignment 9)Figure 1. UML diagram for graph classes. New and modified components in this homework assignment are enclosed with red boxes.


EECS 1510 Spring 2020 Sections 009/011/093 Instructor: Dr. Kevin S. Xu Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming


The UML diagram for the graph classes is shown in Figure 1. Most of the UML diagram is the same as in Homework Assignment 9. This homework assignment will require you to add or modify the following components:

  • Modify the Graph abstract class to implement the Comparable interface. To do this, you will have to implement the compareTo() method, which should return 1 if the current graph has more nodes than g, -1 if the current graph has less nodes than g, and 0 if they both have the same number of nodes.
  • Modify the implementation of the addEdge() method in the UndirectedGraph subclass to throwIllegalArgumentException for the following cases:o Iftheedgeeisdirected,use”Cannotadddirectededgetoundirectedgraph”as the exception string.o Ifthesourcenodeisnotinthegraph,use”Node{source}inedgeneedstofirst be added to graph” where {source} denotes the ID of the source node.o Ifthetargetnodeisnotinthegraph,use”Node{target}inedgeneedstofirstbe added to graph” where {target} denotes the ID of the target node.
  • Add a constructor UndirectedGraph() that reads in a File object for a comma-separated values (CSV) file in the following format:
                 Alice, Bob
                 Alice, Zulu
                 Alice, Charlie
                 Bob, Charlie
                 Charlie, Zulu

    where each line denotes an edge in the format source, target. The constructor should add all of the nodes and edges present in the file.

  • Add a void method writeAdjacencyList() that writes the string representation of the graph adjacency list to the specified File object in the following format:Alice: [(Alice, Bob), (Alice, Zulu), (Alice, Charlie)]
    Bob: [(Alice, Bob), (Bob, Charlie)]
    Charlie: [(Bob, Charlie), (Charlie, Zulu), (Alice, Charlie)] Zulu: [(Alice, Zulu), (Charlie, Zulu)]SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONSA portion of your grade will be assigned based on adherence to OOP practices. Submit only your modified and source files! Do not include a main() method in your submission!Sample output for the following code block:
    // Create nodes

    ArrayList<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<>();allNodes.add(new Node(“Alice”));allNodes.add(new Node(“Bob”));allNodes.add(new Node(“Charlie”));// Create graph and add nodes to themUndirectedGraph graph = new UndirectedGraph();

EECS 1510 Spring 2020 Sections 009/011/093 Instructor: Dr. Kevin S. Xu Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming


// Create edges and add them to the graph

ArrayList<Edge> allEdges = new ArrayList<>();
allEdges.add(new Edge(graph.getNode(“Alice”), graph.getNode(“Bob”)));allEdges.add(new Edge(graph.getNode(“Bob”), graph.getNode(“Charlie”)));graph.addEdge(allEdges.get(0));

// Testing reading and writing files

File inFile2 = new File(“edgelist2.txt”);
UndirectedGraph graph2 = new UndirectedGraph(inFile2);
File outFile2 = new File(“graph2.txt”);graph2.writeAdjacencyList(outFile2);
File inFile = new File(“edgelist1.txt”);
UndirectedGraph graph3 = new UndirectedGraph(inFile); System.out.println(graph3.toString().equals(graph.toString())); System.out.println(graph3.toString().equals(graph2.toString())); System.out.println(graph3.compareTo(graph2)); System.out.println(graph3.compareTo(graph));

// Testing exception handling

Node zulu = new Node(“Zulu”);
Edge aliceZulu = new Edge(graph.getNode(“Alice”), zulu); Edge zuluAlice = new Edge(zulu, graph.getNode(“Alice”)); Edge aliceCharlie = new Edge(graph.getNode(“Alice”),

graph.getNode(“Charlie”), true);graph.addEdge(aliceZulu);

catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

System.out.println(ex.toString());try {

graph.addEdge(zuluAlice);catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

System.out.println(ex.toString());try {

graph.addEdge(aliceCharlie);catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Node Zulu in edge needs to first be added to graph

try {




} }

EECS 1510 Spring 2020 Sections 009/011/093 Instructor: Dr. Kevin S. Xu Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Node Zulu in edge needs to first be added to graph java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot add directed edge to undirected graph

EECS 1510 Northern Kentucky University Object Oriented Programming Project

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Odessa College Panama Canal Expansion and Hazmat Transportation Discussion

Odessa College Panama Canal Expansion and Hazmat Transportation Discussion.



Your boss has asked you to find a company to purchase ELD’s for 50 of your company vehicles. Though the compliance date for ELD went into effect December 18, 2017 your company already had AOBRD units in your trucks, therefore, you fall under the grandfathered compliance date which gives you an extension to get into compliance. Research 2 electronic logging device (ELD) companies and discuss the pros and cons of each. Then tell the class which company you would pick and why. Once you have chosen a company check the website to see if it is a self-registered ELD Company. When looking at a company think about other features that may also be valuable to your company. For example, you may find a company where the ELD’s track vehicle inspection reports and offer driving behavior reports such as speeding.

ECFR Regulation: Part 395 – Hours of Service

FMCSA Website: Hours of Service

ELD Implementation Link –…

Self-Registered by Manufacturer List –

ELD Checklist –… 0 0 0 List Actions (Below List) Delete

2 )


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees the Department of Transportations program for Aviation. So think about aircraft planes used for carrying passengers, cargo, hazardous materials and the airport facilities, pilots and workers needed to maintain and transport; all of this falls within the regulatory guidelines of the FAA.

Take a look at the website for FAA and get familiar with navigating through it, as well as, the regulations in the ECFR.

For this weeks discussion read The Future of the NAS

futureOfTheNAS.pdf and write a summary on it (200 words or more).



Research the Panama Canal Expansion. Write a brief summary of the project and the potential safety concerns that have come up as a result of it. Also, include information on how this could or currently affects the Texas ports when it comes to shipping. Respond to 2 other students’ post.




Read the scenario below and answer the questions. Be very detailed in your answers. Refer to the FMCSA regulations:

FMCSA Part 397 – Guidance

ECFR – Part 397

Part 177 – Carriage by Public Highway

Hank is a hazmat driver for IBC Transport. Dispatch has instructed Hank to stop at Total Totes and pick up a load of sulfuric acid. Hank arrives at Total Totes and is cleared to enter the yard. He backs up to the loading dock, sets the brakes, and shuts off his truck. He talks with the loading dock manager and receives the shipping papers for the load. The loading dock manager gives him the placards he will need and the truck is loaded.

• What will Hank have to do to make sure everything is in order, as far as his load is concerned?

• Who will be responsible for placing the placards on Hank’s truck?

• What will Hank want to do before he leaves the yard with his load?

Odessa College Panama Canal Expansion and Hazmat Transportation Discussion

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Massasoit Community Emerging Threats & Countermeasures Discussion

Massasoit Community Emerging Threats & Countermeasures Discussion.


In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be canceled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers, and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyber attacks from occurring in the future.

Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

You must do this following:

1) As indicated above, discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

500 Words with Atleast 4 references need to be citated and should be in APA format.

Massasoit Community Emerging Threats & Countermeasures Discussion

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