cmr 361 reflection of New Shoes Simulation decisions

cmr 361 reflection of New Shoes Simulation decisions.

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

  • Return to your Work Log.
  • Update your Work Log with your reflections.
  • Some topics or questions for reflections are:
    • Share what were thoughts when you made the decisions you made.
    • Did your decisions go as planned and have the desired results?
    • What could you have done differently?
    • What adjustment if any will you make going into the new period?
    • Other: You choose.
    • Each entry is to be max two pages, double-space
  • I attached some screenshots for you to look at, you can write some reflection according to these. The total condition is that our profit increased, and Home Market is not developing well and Domestic market is developing much better than the Home market.

cmr 361 reflection of New Shoes Simulation decisions

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