Community Nursing

Community Nursing.

I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.


The assignment consists of 4 questions, please make sure you enumerate the questions on your assignment.An essay-style assignment won’t be accepted.

  • Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender’s Health Promotion Model, The Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action.
  • List and discuss health behaviors for health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Apply and discuss the principles of transcultural nursing to community health nursing.
  • Apply and discuss the basic concepts of critical theory to environmental health nursing problems.

APA format word document, Arial 12 font. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) are required. References can’t be more than five years old.Make sure the references are quoted properly in your assignment. You must quote the references in the assignment; if not, it is considered plagiarism. A minimum of 800 words is required (excluding the first and reference page).

Community Nursing

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