Complete English Essay (BURKS)

Complete English Essay (BURKS).

I need an explanation for this English question to help me study.

Write a 750-1250 word argumentative/persuasive essay about that issue. Make sure that your thesis is a clear, specific, arguable statement and that your supporting points are valid. This essay must include researched information from three to five outside sources. Use only library sources (books, magazines, newspapers, journals, e-books, GALILEO, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Films On Demand, etc.).

Other outside sources must be approved by your instructor. Each issue on the Opposing Viewpoints site has links to many preapproved sources; you may find all sources for your essay through the Opposing Viewpoints page. You CANNOT use Wikipedia as a source. You may find sources that support your side of the issue, that argue the opposing side of your issue, or that simply provide some interesting facts, statistics, details, figures, or other type of information concerning your topic. Then use those sources in your paper, documenting and citing them correctly according to MLA guidelines.

Complete English Essay (BURKS)

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