Complete the following three assessments and then write a paper on what you learned about yourself and how these observations affect your motivation and performance in your personal and professional life.

Complete the following three assessments and then write a paper on what you learned about yourself and how these observations affect your motivation and performance in your personal and professional life..

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Complete the following three assessments and then write a paper on what you learned about yourself and how these observations affect your motivation and performance in your personal and professional life. The assessments are:

  • Personal Values, Assessment 5, in the text on page W-37
  • Two-Factor Profile, Assessment 7, page W-40
  • Are You Cosmopolitan?, Assessment 8, page W-40

The assignment paper requirements are:

  • two-page paper, not to include title page or references
  • Times New Roman, 12pt
  • double-spaced
  • title page containing student name, module number, and title of the assignment

All sources should be cited using the current American Psychological Association (APA) style and format. Papers must be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors. If you need additional sources for your research, visit the Hunt Library for ERAU Worldwide.

This is a gradable activity. Review the Research Paper Rubric prior to submission.

Complete the following three assessments and then write a paper on what you learned about yourself and how these observations affect your motivation and performance in your personal and professional life.

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