Concept Care Map For Adult Health I Nursing.
I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.
ML 82 years old female with h/o COPD, HIN, GERD, remote colon CA who presents with few days of worsening of shortness of breath . Patient is normally on 4l home O2 and has been Short of breath the past few days. Today inn the shower, she felt weak to the point where she couldn’t get up from the shower floor. Her husband called the EMS and Patient was noted to be sitting at 78.8 on RA.
ROS: positive and negative ROS elements as per HPI. All others systems reviewed and negative.
Physical exam:
Pulse 124, BP 165/83, Resp 26, SPo2 98%, Temp 98.4 F(36.9 C)
Please See the attachments for the care map rubric and the remaining of the case .
3 days ago