Contemporary Issues Correction Written Assignment 1

Contemporary Issues Correction Written Assignment 1.

I’m working on a Law question and need guidance to help me study.

1. What changes in the community corrections population have occurred since Mackenzie’s article and explain the factors that have caused those changes?

2. Determine the change in correctional Philosophies during that time period and evaluate the effect of the change.

3. Remember to include specify the population affected in your response.

The paper must be in APA format and include a title page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and references. Your paper should go beyond the obvious and must be at least 1,200 words in length. You must use at least three resources to support your position. Remember, all resources including, but not limited to, journals, magazines, and/or books must be properly cited using APA style. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Contemporary Issues Correction Written Assignment 1

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