Create a Risk Assessment utilizing Microsoft Word

Create a Risk Assessment utilizing Microsoft Word.

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.


Here are the instructions:

For this activity, you are continuing with your hypothetical role as the project sponsor/manager for the development and implementation of a new inventory system at your company. Having received the “go ahead” from the Approval Committee, you will now conduct a Risk Assessment.

A Risk Assessment will track the potential risks associated with the project and evaluate the likelihood of a risk and its potential impact on the project. As the project sponsor/manager, you will create many Risk Assessments in the Analysis Phase by prioritizing the risks according to their magnitude and importance. The dynamic Risk Assessment deliverable will generally be modified during the project as risks are removed or others surface.

Create a Risk Assessment utilizing Microsoft Word. Before you begin to work on this activity, refer to this Risk Assessment Example (DOCX) and the Risk Assessment example in the textbook.

Select this Risk Assessment Template (DOCX) and fill in the template with the appropriate hypothetical business data. When you evaluate the various risks that might be present when developing the inventory management system, consider those that might be related to an aviation-related company.

Provide data for the four types of risk. Submit your analysis data in a document that addresses the following:

Image is attached.

Grading Rubic:

MGMT 321 2.2 Practical Exercise Rubric

MGMT 321 2.2 Practical Exercise Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Deliverable Requirements The percentage of the deliverable(s) that meet the assignment’s requirements.

50.0 pts Excellent

The deliverable(s) met ALL of the assignment’s requirements.

45.0 pts Very Good

The deliverable(s) met MOST of the assignment’s requirements.

40.0 pts Satisfactory

The deliverable(s) met MANY of the assignment’s requirements.

35.0 pts Near Failing

The deliverable(s) met SOME of the assignment’s requirements.

0.0 pts Failing

The deliverable(s) did NOT meet ANY of the assignment’s requirements.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Deliverable(s) The overall quality of the deliverable(s) with regard to the composition and detail.

25.0 pts Excellent

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a VERY HIGH level.

21.0 pts Very Good

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a HIGH level.

17.0 pts Satisfactory

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a MODERATE level.

13.0 pts Near Failing

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at a LOW level.

0.0 pts Failing

The composition and detail of the deliverable(s) was at an UNSATISFACTORY level.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accuracy of the Deliverable(s) The accuracy of the values presented in the deliverable(s).

25.0 pts Excellent

ALL of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

21.0 pts Very Good

MOST of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

17.0 pts Satisfactory

MUCH of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

13.0 pts Near Failing

SOME of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

0.0 pts Failing

NONE of the data in the deliverable(s) was accurate.

25.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Create a Risk Assessment utilizing Microsoft Word

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