Create a speech outline that will include a visual aid

Create a speech outline that will include a visual aid.

I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Create a speech outline that will include a visual aid( Be sure to include the visual aid ie: graph or chart.) . Please see the below attachment for template outline.

The introduction to the visual aids speech should gain attention, orient the audience by stating the topic, offer a reason for listening, and preview the body of the speech.

The body of the visual aids speech must contain 2-5 main points using patterns of organization covered in the textbook; other patterns of organization must have prior approval by the instructor. Each main point must be well supported by 2-5 1st-order sub-points (what the textbook calls “subpoints”) designed to illustrate the main points (examples, illustrations, facts, quotations, etc.) Don’t overload the audience with information. Move from simple to complex ideas. Move from familiar to unfamiliar ideas. Define your terms.

The conclusion of the visual aids speech should restate or summarize the main points and communicate a sense of finality (verbally or nonverbally indicate that you have finished talking). You may end the speech with a story or quotation.

Transitions between major sections of the visual aids speech (introduction, body, conclusion) and the main points should be carefully planned and used while delivering the speech. Use transitions to move the audience’s attention from section to section and from main point to main point in the body of the speech.

Create a speech outline that will include a visual aid

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