Culture in nursing.

Culture in nursing.

People of Arab Heritage.
Read chapter 8 and 9 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentation. Once done, answer the following questions;
1. Give an overview of the Appalachian and Arab heritage related to their healthcare beliefs and mention if there is any similarity in both cultures. Give an example.
2. How the Appalachian and Arab heritage view the process of death and explain if there is any similarity in any of them?
3. Explain is there is any similarity in the healthcare beliefs of the Appalachian and Arab heritage with the evidence based nursing care that is provide.
As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard title “Week 4 discussion questions”. A minimum of two evidence based references no older than 5 years old besides the class textbook are required. Two replies sustain the proper references to any of your peers and a minimum of 500 words are required

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Culture in Nursing

Culture in Nursing.

I’m trying to learn for my Nursing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

3 full pages (cover or reference page not included)

APA norms

It will be verified by Turnitin

References not older than 5 years

    Each question must be identified by a number. For example

    1. Accordingt to Morris (2022) ….

    2. Morris and Holmes (2014) …..

  1. Mention and evaluated how culture influences adult development.
  2. Mention and explain how gender and specific religious beliefs and practices might influence and adult’s health and/or illness during situational crises or transitions.
  3. Please present an analysis of the following case;

A Korean American family that expects their 18-year-old male to become a physician, including cultural trends and related challenges regarding expectations and standards of behavior and what health implications might emerge from the pressure of imposing such an expectation on an 18-year old?

Culture in Nursing

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