Data base questions

Data base questions.

I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.

1- Compare and contrast between:

  • XML/Schema and RDF/Schema
  • ACID, CAP, and BASE theorems.
  • Relational Database, and Big data.
  • Hadoop 1.0, Hadoop 2.0 (YARN), and Spark
  • Centralized database and distributed database
  • Entity-relationship model, Object oriented model
  • ER diagram, EER diagram and Ontology
  • Relational, NoSQL, and NewSQL databases
  • Fragmentation, replication and duplication in distributed databases
  • Vertical and horizontal sharding

2- Choose one of the other database types, and write 2 pages about it and try to compare it with RDBMS

Data base questions

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