Design a brochure in Word format (3-4 pages max.) to educate people in your community about smoking.

Design a brochure in Word format (3-4 pages max.) to educate people in your community about smoking..

Need help with my Health & Medical question – I’m studying for my class.

You are in a Health team of a Local Health Department in your area. Design a brochure in Word format (3-4 pages max.) to educate people in your community about smoking.

Your brochure should have a Heading, Introduction of the problem, Main reasons for the problem, and recommended preventive strategies

Guide Line:

  • Font should be 12 Times New Roman
  • Heading should be Bold
  • The color should be Black
  • Writing should be justified with appropriate references minimum three references
  • avoid plagiarism
  • Line spacing should be 1.5

Design a brochure in Word format (3-4 pages max.) to educate people in your community about smoking.

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