

I’m working on a English exercise and need support.

“Civility is the baseline of respect that we owe one another in public life, and when people talk about a crisis in civility, they usually are reporting their sense that there is not a shared understanding of what that baseline of respect ought to be” (qtd. in Fadel).

Plante, Thomas. “Is Civility Dead in America?” Psychology Today. 11 July 2016. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-rig…


Fadel, Leila. “In These Divided Times, is Civility Under Siege?” NPR. 12 March 2019. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/12/702011061/in-these-…

Initial Post:

After reading “Is Civility Dead in America?”, “The Multicultural Mirage”, and “In These Divided Times is Civility Under Siege?”, reflect on the ideas presented in the articles. Compose 2-3 paragraphs that address the questions and criteria below. Quote and/or paraphrase ideas from at least two of the assigned texts.

  • What is “civility” and why is it an important part of a healthy society?
  • How does civility connect with the concept of freedom? Does civility promote freedom? Can civility be a roadblock to freedom?
  • Describe an experience you’ve had (or witnessed) that can be defined as a civil or uncivil behavior. Explain your reasons and use the assigned texts to support your ideas.


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