Discussion 4: Community Capacity and Environmental Health #2

Discussion 4: Community Capacity and Environmental Health #2.

I’m trying to learn for my Social Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?



Watch the following video, which describes “sacrifice zones” and the importance of community involvement in environmental advocacy efforts.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the role that community capacity has in environmental health advocacy and community restructuring. I would recommend reviewing the Community Capacity and Environmental Exposures article found under the additional reading section for this unit. (8 points)
  2. What is one environmental health priority that you think the city of San Diego and/or the state of California should focus on? Why? Several examples of environmental efforts are cited within the video. (5 points)
  3. What are ideas or recommendations that you have to raise awareness and mobilize target communities toward environmental health change? Tie this in with the issue that you cited in question 2. (5 points)
  4. The post must be at least 350 words. (2 points)

Discussion 4: Community Capacity and Environmental Health #2

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