Discussion Board – Seven Wonders of Microbe World

Discussion Board – Seven Wonders of Microbe World.

I need help with a Biology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Discussion Board – Seven Wonders of Microbe World.

A. Watch the following video

B. Post a discussion as detailed below (5 pts):

  • List the 7 wonders of microbe world and explain each with 1-2 sentences. Then in 2-3 sentences, indicate which one of the wonders you think is more important and why.

C. Then, read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your reply:

  • start by greeting the class-mate by name
  • contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
  • Pose any related questions you might have
  • your name

D. Answer any questions you might get from class-mates

Discussion Board – Seven Wonders of Microbe World

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