Discussion: Literature Review Article Search

Discussion: Literature Review Article Search.

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Discussion: Literature Review Article Search

Finding literature related to your research topic can be challenging. Earlier researchers were required to manually search for hours through journals in multiple libraries to find appropriate resources. Today, electronic libraries such as Walden University’s can provide access to scholarly documents within minutes.

In this Discussion, you will search for literature on your research topic using the Walden Library. The keywords, Boolean operators, and databases that you choose make a difference in the literature that you find, so use a variety and be creative with your searches. You will also locate potential funding sources for your research project.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Analyze the feedback that you received on your study questions and research topic both from the Instructor and from your colleagues
  • Finalize your research topic
  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on using the Walden Library and searching within the library
  • Review the Learning Resources on locating sources of funding and grants
  • Locate two articles in the Walden Library that relate to your research topic

By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response pertaining to your selected research topic including the following:

  • Identify the keywords you used to search the literature
  • Identify the Boolean operators that assisted you in your search
  • Identify the databases you searched for current literature
  • Identify professional journals that are likely to provide relevant literature on your research topic
  • Search the Internet for at least two organizations that might fund your research
  • Describe two articles that you found using the Walden Library and explain why they are useful to your research topic

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Discussion: Literature Review Article Search

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