Discussion week 6.
I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.
Health management:
Develop an email following Business Email Format
addressed to your faculty discussing:
The steps of the strategic planning process with regard to organizing a health fair in rural 15,000 residents West Virginia as a community outreach for a non-for-profit general hospital in the area. Use average demographic distribution in WV (list the source you used); provide workforce component justification; list funding sources; provide epidemiological measures that will define the list of services offered at the fair; offer promotional mix base outline and timeframe; provide any other necessary components to address all steps of the strategic planning for this event.
This email should not be longer that one page long. Use the space effectively. You can develop visual aids, diagrams, tables etc. Cite resources in APA format when appropriate.
Domestic Violence:
In this discussion, we’re going to take a look at issues associated with reporting known or suspected cases of elder abuse and the abuse of persons with disabilities.
Helpful web sites:
- RAINN (Under Search type in “State Law Database” then choose your state. Click on “Mandatory Reporting: The Elderly”)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Choose a state that you are interested in and respond to all of the following questions and at least 2 of your classmates’ posts.
Name of state:
- Who are the mandated reporters?
- Who is exempt from reporting (if applicable)?
- What is the definition of an “adult”?
- What are the penalties for failing to report?
- What information is needed for the report?
- Is there anything particularly helpful and/or harmful about the manner in which your state deals with reporting elder abuse and/or abuse against a person with disabilities?
Cultural Context of Disability and Stigma
Cultural context looks at individuals in society and how they are raised and how their culture affects their behavior. It incorporates learned values and shared attitudes among groups of people. It includes language, norms, customs, ideas, beliefs, and meanings and individual characteristics. Therefore, when the cultural context of a person or group is not understood, Stigma may occur. Culture is very important because our cultural orientation is present in every interaction, and it is how society identifies us as an individual or group. We tend to make assumptions about a person’s beliefs or behaviors based on a single cultural indicator, particularly related to race or ethnicity, when our cultural identities are a complex weave of all the cultural groups around us or that we belong to that influence our values, beliefs, and behaviors.
Recent knowledge emerging out of the disability rights movements and grounded in disability studies research promotes a new understanding of disability as a socially constructed culture and as a social identity. Many people support the emerging issue of “disability culture” or “the culture of disability” and many more dispute disability as being a cohesive force to form a cultural group. As we challenge these assumptions and traditional views of disability, our beliefs can become more meaningful and relevant to the disability community and more informative to social development.
1. After reviewing the Learning Resources, please respond to the following questions:
Part I: Please answer the following question with a detailed explanation.
a) Taking into consideration what constitutes a culture — Is there a convincing foundation to declare that there is a disability culture?
i) If Yes, please explain and give two examples as to why, or
ii) If Not, please explain and give two examples as to why.
b) To-Do –Watch Video: WIPEOUT STIGMA. This version has subtitles. Amanda, Jill, D’art, and Max share personal stories of their mental health journeys. YouTube Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gj3zXi6fSk
c) Explain at least two important messages that you learned from watching this video.
2. Society tends to create stigma and place labels on people that are believed to be different than the majorly in many ways. In many instances, these actions become part of the norm of society and spread from one generation to the other. We also understand that stigma and labels, in most of the cases, have negative consequences for the targeted group.
Part II: Please answer the following questions:
a) What is a stigma, and how does it affect our perception of other people?
b) Describe two forms of the stigma that society applies to people with disabilities.
c) As society members, what can we do to eliminate the stigma placed on disability and people with disabilities? Please explain and give one example.
Part III:
To-Do: Watch Video: I’m not your inspiration. Thank you very much. (Also listed in the Learning Resources). A film by TED Ideas worth spreading at https://www.ted.com/talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_thank_you_very_much#t-9157
a) What to do you consider a takeaway message from watching this video.
b) Would you recommend this video to others (family, friends, coworkers, etc.)?
3. All parts of this discussion activity must be properly identified and answered in the same post. Once you have posted your answers to the above questions, please respond to at least two other posts from your classmates.
Thank you.
Prof. LWH