Document your I&R (Implications and Reflections) which is summary derived from your reading assignments.

Document your I&R (Implications and Reflections) which is summary derived from your reading assignments..

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.

Document your I&R (Implications and Reflections) which is summary derived from your reading assignments.


– Minimum 350 words

– Use proper APA6 format

Reading Assignments

– Mehta S., Disaster and Mass Casualty Management in a Hospital “attached”;year=2006;volume=52;issue=2;spage=89;epage=90;aulast=Mehta

Mehta S. Disaster and mass casualty management in a hospital: How well are we prepared?. J Postgrad Med [serial online] 2006 [cited 2016 Jan 21];52:89-90. Available from:

See attached Capstone documents.

Document your I&R (Implications and Reflections) which is summary derived from your reading assignments.

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