DQ1 Pathophysiology APA format

DQ1 Pathophysiology APA format.

I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.

Please answer ONE of the following DQ’s. Please provide the questions that is being answered as the heading.

Chapter 1

A community organization has decided to launch a campaign that aims to eradicate high blood pressure through a comprehensive program of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.

a. How might statistical reports on the incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of high blood pressure in the target community be helpful in planning a comprehensive prevention program? What are the potential limitations of using such reports for assessing and addressing the health care needs of a community?

b. Outline a plan that includes possible activities that could be included in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention arms of this program.

Chapter 3

You are helping a previously independent 85-year-old patient move into an assisted living situation after she experienced a hip fracture. She had wanted to return to her home where she lived alone, but reluctantly agreed to the assisted living facility after being pressured to do so by her daughter.

a. Based on your understanding of the most common causes of falls in the elderly, what kinds of safety measures would you try to implement in her living environment?

b. What factors might make this patient more susceptible to depression. What signs or symptoms would alert you to the possibility of depression?

Chapter 4

A 41-year-old male presents to the emergency room complaining of frequent urination, increased hunger, “always being thirsty,” and fatigue. He is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

a. In explaining to him the physiological reason for his symptoms, what cellular functions do you think would help him understand his disease?

b. How might you explain his fatigue on a cellular level?


DQ1 Pathophysiology APA format

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