E-Commerce Project, Read all questions before any offer..
I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Important: don’t give me any offer if you don’t know the part of website.
Teacher said to us, if he finds matching ratio more than 20%, he will give me 0, so be careful please.
I want original text, no matching ratio.
I want original text, no matching ratio.
✓ This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort, search and critical thinking.
✓ Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
✓ Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
✓ Use the footer function to insert page number.
✓ Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
✓ Your project report length should be between 2200 to 2500 words.
I want it as a word not pdf.