Edit my resume according to the instruction and write a cover letter for a professional Job.

Edit my resume according to the instruction and write a cover letter for a professional Job..

I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Submit your resume and cover letter here. Make sure that your cover letter is addressed to a specific person at a specific company for a specific job and that your letter and resume are tailored to that job.

https://careers-gryphonlc.icims.com/jobs/6255/data… the job I want to apply Database developer

please include I am a current GW student studying IT major

My professor wants us to put out the our skill,experians, in detail

for example that I put on my resume customer service but he want to know in-depth my skill how I interact with customers,my experience anything unique

another example in my resume is that I said taking order on a phone but I should add up how many customers I take per day, how I deal with customers what makes me unique and more.

The resume should not be to generic

I attached my resume below

Edit my resume according to the instruction and write a cover letter for a professional Job.

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