EDU480 Research Methods-Questioning strategies and critical thinking

EDU480 Research Methods-Questioning strategies and critical thinking.

I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

The purpose of this assignment is to design questions that encourage critical and higher-order thinking. To complete the assignment, you will explore appropriate question-asking methods for grade and ability levels.

Select an elementary grade level and identify aligning national or state English language arts standards. Identify at least 1-2 standards that you can integrate into a realistic question and answer dialogue between you (the teacher) and one or more students. In 500-750 words, the dialogue should include:

  • A focus on a topic or activity related to reading or writing a grade-level literary or
    informational text (e.g., discussing a mentor text, discussing the structures
    of texts, brainstorming during a writing workshop session, etc.)
  • At least three grade-level appropriate questions that elicit higher-order and critical thinking within the content area

In an additional 100-250 words, list the standards selected and explain how the dialogue teaches the skills described in the standards.

-Using if using a state STANDARD has to be in FL thank you!



EDU480 Research Methods-Questioning strategies and critical thinking

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