ENG102 Discussion forum 250 words APA cited reference

ENG102 Discussion forum 250 words APA cited reference.

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

Module 8: Discussion Forum

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You have nearly made it to the finish line and during this final week as you revise your paper, this discussion is designed to help you reflect on the research writing process and how you might continue to use this process as you progress in your studies and your career.

Part 1: Initial Post

This is a small-group discussion forum. Continue working in your assigned group is based on the theme you chose.

Respond to the following:

  • Think about the work you have done over the course of the last eight weeks. Evaluate your growth tied to the research writing process.
  • Consider the work you delved into as related to considering various arguments surrounding your topic.
    • How did your thoughts contribute to the dialogue?
    • How did your research inform your topic further?
  • Consider the following questions as tied to Bloom’s taxonomy of learning as you write your discussion post this week in tandem with your reflections:
    • Remembering: What did I do over the course of the term?
    • Understanding: What fundamental things do I understand about writing an argumentative essay?
    • Applying: Where can I use what I learned in the class again?
    • Analyzing: Using feedback from my instructor, peers and tutors, do I see patterns in my work that inform on what I have done so far?
    • Evaluating: How would you rate yourself as being able to write an argumentative paper at the start of the class in comparison to now at the end of the class?
    • Creating: Outside of writing, how might I use what I learned in this class in other endeavors?

ENG102 Discussion forum 250 words APA cited reference

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