ENGL1310 Design a Plagiarism Contract Using Your Own Words.
I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Module 1 Assignment 1.1
- Due Sunday by 9:59pm (Pacific Time)
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available until Dec 8 at 9:59pm
You will create a document that will serve as a contract between you and your instructor detailing your understanding of the definition and consequences of plagiarizing any portion of any assignment for this class, or any other subsequent class in your program.
- Correctly use the APA style of citing; summarize and paraphrase without plagiarizing
- Construct grammatically correct sentences
Please design a Plagiarism Contract using your own words to acknowledge your understanding of plagiarism.
Your contract must include:
- A comprehensive, thorough definition of plagiarism (discussed in the lecture, in our textbook, online, and various sources)
- A statement indicating your understanding that if you plagiarize work, you will earn a zero for that assignment and may fail the course, or be suspended or terminated from the program
- A response to the question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?”
- Your signature
*Note: Make sure that all aspects of this writing are in your own words. If you use outside resources, you must still completely rewrite the information in your own words to avoid plagiarism itself.
According to your school catalog:
“SCHOLASTIC HONESTY: It is assumed that all students are enrolled in class to learn; therefore, cheating is not an acceptable practice. Dishonesty of any type in a course, including cheating on examinations or plagiarizing materials, can result in a grade of ’F‘ and may be cause for suspension and/or withdrawal from school. Plagiarism includes passing off or attempting to pass off the ideas or writing of another person as one’s own.”
Concorde Career Colleges. (2019). 2019-2020 catalog. Aurora, CO: Concorde Career Colleges.
Plagiarism contract. (n.d.). Retrieved from englishadjunctresources.pbworks.com/f/Plagiarism Contract.doc
Assignment Submission:
- The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.
- Once you have completed the assignment, click the Submit Assignment option in the menu to the right and select a format for submitting your assignment.
- Click the Submit Assignment button when you are ready.
Contract Rubric
Contract Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Plagiarism Definition
3.0 pts Full Credit Plagiarism is correctly defined; the definition provided is comprehensive and thorough. |
2.0 pts Partial Credit A definition of plagiarism is provided but it is either partially incorrect or is not thoroughly explained. |
0.0 pts No Credit The definition of plagiarism provided is incorrect. |
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Academic Consequences
2.0 pts Full Credit The writer has clearly stated their understanding of the potential academic consequences they will receive if they plagiarize. |
1.0 pts No Credit The writer has not included a statement that they understand the academic consequences of plagiarism. |
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Cost of Plagiarism
3.0 pts Full Credit The question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?” is answered with a clear understanding of the costs beyond the potential academic consequences. |
2.0 pts Partial Credit The question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?” is answered but does not include the potential costs beyond the potential academic consequences. |
0.0 pts No Credit The question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?” is not answered. |
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing and Format
2.0 pts Full Credit The content is grammatically correct, uses punctuation properly, and is correctly formatted to APA style of writing. |
1.0 pts Partial Credit The content may be grammatically correct and uses proper punctuation, but is not correctly formatted to APA style; OR it is not grammatically correct and does not use punctuation properly, but is correctly formatted to APA style. |
0.0 pts No Credit Content does not appear to have been proofread and is not formatted to APA style. |
2.0 pts
Total Points: 10.0