essay, Paper 2 you wrote me last time paper one this is the second paper about these subject and you have the option to choose

essay, Paper 2 you wrote me last time paper one this is the second paper about these subject and you have the option to choose.

I’m working on a History exercise and need support.

Each paper should be 750-1250 words (3-5 pages) long.

For the second paper, choose one of the following two:
1. A thesis-based paper. Example: This course is called “Society and Culture in Modern Europe.” Given what you have experienced in taking it (including videos, readings, etc.), do you think culture mainly comes from above (trickle down) or below (filter up)? Did attitudes toward war come from rulers/elites or from soldiers? Where did attitudes toward capitalism come from? Globalism? If you find this hard to deal with, come up with a thesis of your own and run it by me. What is a common theme in the course? Consider Europe and the rest of the world or capitalism or power (see Foucault). How has that theme manifested itself? From your answer to that, derive a thesis. Your thesis should be arguable; a “because” phrase attached to your statement sometimes helps. Please use examples from the course, including the peripheral ones, in you wish, to support your thesis; and be sure to include at least three of the following:
Heart of Darkness
World War I poets
The Stranger
Yellow Submarine
Foucault videos and readings
The Meursault Investigation

2. Write an imagined dialogue between::
A character in Metropolis and Foucault
Albert Camus and Meursault
Camus and Daoud
The Beatles and Foucault
Or . . . (but run it by me)

The paper is due December 17 at midnight.

essay, Paper 2 you wrote me last time paper one this is the second paper about these subject and you have the option to choose

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