Essay Six

Essay Six.

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Lecture Six Short Essay Assignment (average 350-500 words for 5%):

OPTION ONE – Create lecture material of your own, selecting/introducing a traditional musical culture that is new and unfamiliar to you, containing a brief description of:

1) one youtube link of a traditional performance genre, 2) one youtube link of a certain artist representing (and perhaps innovating off) the tradition, 3) one link containing research background on the musical cultural tradition selected, and 4) one link on the background of the artist selected.

Your chosen tradition may be from any one of the geo-cultural areas covered in class, or another world area note yet covered. Most importantly, the genre and artist chosen should not have been covered in any of the class lecture material.

OPTION TWO – Read the pdf article by Modirzadeh (2009, Leonardo Journal), and review select portions accompanied by your own thoughts and opinions.

Essay Six

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