Ethernet Technology and Internetworking Operating System

Ethernet Technology and Internetworking Operating System.

I need support with this Software Development question so I can learn better.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the following:

  • Advances in Ethernet technology
  • Internetworking Operating System (iOS) and routers

Based on your research and understanding, answer the following discussion questions:

Question 1

Ethernet has proven to be a viable networking technology. It will continue to be a key player in networking in years to come.

  • Why is it so?
  • What are the latest advances in Ethernet?
  • What is meant by an Ethernet switch?
  • How does Ethernet also play a role in wireless technologies?

Question 2

Routers are computing devices which need their own operating system (OS) to function. Some vendors refer to this OS as the iOS.

  • What are the key roles of the iOS?
  • On the other hand, routers must have interfaces. Why must each interface belong to a different network?

Why are some routers more expensive than others?

Ethernet Technology and Internetworking Operating System

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