Evaluating Programs Using Qualitative Data Collection, and a Mixed Methods Approach

Evaluating Programs Using Qualitative Data Collection, and a Mixed Methods Approach.

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the Reading and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.

  • Imagine that you are doing an evaluation of a program and are interested in collecting qualitative data. Develop two questions related to the evaluation of a program that you want answered in a qualitative fashion. Share the questions with the class.
  • Determine a qualitative method to answer each of the questions that you have developed.
  • Examine how you would summarize and analyze the qualitative data that was collected. In your answer, be certain to discuss the best ways to approach analyzing qualitative data.
  • Explore two ways to collect data for a program using a mixed methods approach.

Evaluating Programs Using Qualitative Data Collection, and a Mixed Methods Approach

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