Exploring the Predictors of Workplace Happiness and Well-Being for Working Adults in Singapore and UK

Exploring predictors of Workplace Happiness and Well-Being for Working Adults in Singapore and UK /0x4*

Abstract (150 words)
Writer to provide, based on Title

Writer to provide Introduction related to predictors that contribute to ?Workplace Happiness and Well-Being for Working Adults?

Literature Review **
Writer to provide literature reviews, based on Workplace Happiness and Well-being, using the following scales
– Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS),
– Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES),
– Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PsyCap PCQ),
– PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, Accomplishment) and
– Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)
Aims of Study
Explore the predictors of workplace happiness and find the connection between Subjective happiness, job satisfaction, Work Engagement, PsyCap and PERMA.

Predictions / Hypotheses
? Employees? with higher job satisfaction, will show higher levels of happiness and well-being compared to employees? with lower levels of job satisfaction.

? Employees? with higher work engagement, will show higher levels of happiness and well-being compared to employees? with lower levels of work engagement
Please advise hypotheses.

Methodology **
Writer to Provide
Sample Method ? Convenient sampling
Recruitments are done via Social Media, WhatsApp and University Module Thread.
Using Qualtrics for Questionnaires, sent out via social media, WhatsApp, email
Data Collection
Recruitment using Whatsapp and Email, please write up

Write up of the following scales (Reliability, usage, method)
Writer to Provide
1) PERMA (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, Accomplishment)
2) PsyCap (PCQ) ? Efficacy / Confidence, Hope, Resiliency, Optimism
3) UWES ? Work Engagement
4) Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)
5) Subjective Happiness Survey (SHS)

Data Analysis
Using SPSS, Cross Sectional Multiple regression,
please write up
Dependent Variables (DVs) = Job Satisfaction / Work Engagement (Interchangeable?
Independent Variables (IVs) = Job satisfaction (JSS), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES)??? PsyCap, PERMA, Subjective Happiness (SHS)???? Interchangeable

Results Sections
Writer to Provide
Please write up based on SPSS Result / data

Discussion Section
Writer to Provide
Please write up based on SPSS Results / data

As many as possible, relevant to above research

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