Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 3

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 3.

Can you help me understand this Health & Medical question?

This week you will complete your floor plan by incorporating additional elements, such as IT equipment and creative healing elements. It is important to review your facility and consider any additional changes based on the knowledge you have gained throughout the course.

Add the required design components, and complete your facility.

Complete the Week 5 section of the Facility Planning Template. Submit the drawing and essay as separate files.Remember that the drawing itself is worth less than 10% of this assignment’s grade: 10 out of 120 points.

Cite Hayward and at least 1 other peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Remember to properly cite every idea, fact, and series of words (quotation) that is not your own. Place quotations within quotation marks.

Please see attached, and follow instructions for week 5.

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 3

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