final exam planing zone

final exam planing zone.

Can you help me understand this Art & Design question?



also cheke the drop files

I want to see your ability to think, reason and apply urban planning and design

concepts that were covered in class and in the assigned reading materials. Write your

answers like you are trying to get a professional planning job and the person who is

going to decide to hire you (or not) is reading it. But get to the point and write clear

and concise. Type your answers on the Final Exam word document available on

Canvas, convert it to a pdf, add any graphics required, and submit via email in a

timely manner. The FAU Honor Code applies so do your own work.


This Final Exam is worth 20% of your final grade (instead of 10% as stated on the

Syllabus). You will be graded against your classmates- so write (type) well!!!



In your own words, explain and summarize the following: [10 points]

a. The Planning Process

b. Typical Data Needed for Plan Preparation

c. The New Oregon Model

d. Zoning Regulations

e. Subdivision Regulations

f. Planned Unit Developments

g. Form-Based Codes

h. Vision first, Plan second, Zone third, and Implement fourth

i. Staff Report: Compliance; Consistency; and Compatibility

j. Comprehensive Plan: Existing Land Use Map v Future Land Use Map


Based on your review of

Gwinnett County, GA 2040 Unified Plan

(Comprehensive Plan) and


County, GA Unified Development Ordinance

(Zoning Code), which are both available on-line, prepare

the following documents: [10 points]

a. Summary Checklist of Top Five (5) Items Needed to prepare a new Comprehensive Plan

b. Summary Checklist of Top Five (5) Items Needed to prepare a new Zoning Code


Based on your review of

Horizons 2026, Greenville, NC Community Plan

, pages 3 through 31,

inclusive, which is available on-line, prepare the following documents: [10 points]

a. Summary Statement of their Vision.

b. Summary Statement of How the Comprehensive Plan Relates to Zoning

c. Summary Statement of How the Comprehensive Plan Will Address Growth

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URP 4343 FINAL EXAM Fall 2019


One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City,

pages 14-15, available on-line, summarizes the

entire Plan for New York City in two-pages.

Imagine Boston 2030

, available on-line, does not do as

good a job at creating a summary page as New York City did. Prepare a one-page summary of the

Boston plan based on the New York City plan format: [10 points]


The Seminole County, FL Staff Report for

Carillon PUD Major Amendment

dated 01/07/09, available

on Canvas, is 13 pages long, which is too long for the Planning and Zoning Commission to understand

when most of them are reviewing the Staff Report for the first time at the public hearing. Prepare a

one-page Summary of the Staff Report so the Commissioners can understand what is going on if they

did not review the Staff Report prior to the public hearing. [10 points]


Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future

, available on-line, is a contemporary

comprehensive plan (which means it has more pictures, graphs and charts then words and is more user-

friendly than prior plans) but it is still about 400-pages long and many citizens (and elected officials)

may still get overwhelmed as they try to read it and understand it. Prepare an executive summary

(cheat-sheet) of the plan including the following sections: [25 points]

a. Guide to Plan, pgs. 31-34

b. Making a Plan, pgs. 37-39

c. Public Outreach, pg. 41

d. Demographics, pg. 80

e. Citizens v. Tourists, pg. 81

f. Housing Affordability, pg. 94

g. Aspirations, pgs. 109-115

h. Plan Themes, pgs. 121-123

i. Mixed-use Developments, pgs. 134-137

j. Placemaking, pgs. 138-140

k. Walkability, pgs. 146-148

l. Neighborhoods, pgs. 152-154

m. Multimodal Transportation, pgs. 160-162

n. Diversity in Housing, pgs. 178-180

o. Workforce Housing, pgs. 182-184

p. Social Equity, pgs. 198-199

q. Clean Energy, pgs. 230-232

r. Public Realm, pgs. 244-246

s. Equity, pgs. 264-266

t. Transit-Supported Development, pgs. 310-313

u. Future Land Use, pgs. 338-346

v. Implementation, pgs. 388-389

w. Priority Strategies, Exhibit “E”


Plans should not sit on the shelf after they are completed; plans should be implemented. The Asheville

Planning & Urban Design Department prepared a draft

Urban Place Zoning District

(form-based code

similar to the

River Arts District Form-Based Code

that we reviewed in class) to implement the transit-

supported development section, and other sections, of

Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our


. Prepare a Staff Report (Memo) to the City Manager (which will be redrafted and sent to the

City Council) explaining how this draft document implements the comprehensive plan and, as such,

should be adopted by the City Council. [25 points]

final exam planing zone

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