For the News Article PowerPoint

For the News Article PowerPoint.

I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

For the News Article PowerPoint, you may choose articles from any topic that we have covered up to Week 4. So, the news can be related to police searches and surveillance, police profiling, police interrogation/Fifth Amendment, the Exclusionary Rule/Fourth Amendment, prosecutorial discretion, and/or the plea bargaining process. You may select three articles that all relate to one topic only, or you are free to select articles about two or three different topics. Selected news articles MUST be published within the past two (2) months and come from one of these approved outlets: Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, New York Times, Sun-Sentinel, Tallahassee Democrat, Tampa Bay Times, Washington Post, or USA Today. (Any article that is not from one of these papers need to have prior approval or it will NOT receive credit).

Also, remember that there should at least eight (8) slides total and the presentation must include the following information:

* Slide 1: Name/Title Slide

* Slide 2: Summary of Article #1

* Slide 3: Analysis of Article #1

* Slide 4: Summary of Article #2

* Slide 5: Analysis of Article #2

* Slide 6: Summary of Article #3

* Slide 7: Analysis of Article #3

* Slide 8: Reference Slide (cite sources using APA format and have operable links to each news article).

Article summaries must include main points, interesting facts, relevant images, etc.

Article analyses must address course relevance, importance for CJ practitioners, etc.

For the News Article PowerPoint

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